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 Customer Care Agents - French! "Source embauche.com"

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Humeur : :-))

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Customer Care Agents - French! "Source embauche.com" Vide
MessageSujet: Customer Care Agents - French! "Source embauche.com"   Customer Care Agents - French! "Source embauche.com" EmptyJeu 24 Sep - 21:59

Société : gem
Localisation du poste : Belfast

Description de l'emploi
Working in our French team, you will be providing excellent customer service and technical solutions to customers by telephone and email.
En travaillant avec notre équipe française, vous fournirez du support technique de qualité and des solutions techniques à vos clients par téléphone et e-mails.

Profil recherché
Do you have the following?
6 months experience of working in a customer care / retail / sales environment, preferably with telephone skills.
Possess good key-board skills and internet skills
A team player and takes an active role in generating positive team morale.
Excellent written and spoken French and English

Type de contrat : Contrat Durée Indéterminée ( CDI )
Expérience : Débutant avec stage significatif
Niveau d'étude : Non précisé
Type de poste : Temps Plein
Date de début : 21/09/09
Nombre de postes disponibles : 20

Entreprise et contacts
Entreprise : gem
Type de recruteur : Grande entreprise ou filiale de grand groupe
Description de l'entreprise : gem is a privately owned Contact Centre based in Belfast City Centre, Northern Ireland.

In every team we have incentives; nights out and provide a real sense of community in the company.
Twice a year, we hold an award ceremony “The gemmies”, where people nominate their colleagues for a “gemmy”. The winners each receive a trophy and vouchers.
In gem, we have breakout areas called “bar gem”, where you can play pool, computer games or relax on your break and watch television.
We understand that work is not just about doing a job, but enjoying being there and working with like-minded, enthusiastic people.

Adresse : 9 Lanyon Place
Code postal : BT1 3LP
Ville : Belfast
Pays : Northern Ireland
Personne à contacter : Helen Todd
Lieu : Royaume-Uni
Métier : Support bureautique / Hotline
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Customer Care Agents - French! "Source embauche.com"

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